Saturday, March 8, 2025

Vigil held at USPS facility after man fatally shot by coworker

Vigil held at USPS facility after man fatally shot by coworker

From the article: "...Edward "Eki" Poloka died on March 4 after an altercation with another employee, according to police..."

Article Reference:
Edward "Eki" Poloka

Friday, March 7, 2025

Knife-wielding transgender woman accused of killing NYC postal worker smiles, rolls eyes in creepy video

Knife-wielding transgender woman accused of killing NYC postal worker smiles, rolls eyes in creepy video

From the article: "video exposes the full face of the knife-wielding maniac who viciously stabbed postal worker Ray Hodges to death in a Harlem deli this week....Troubled transgender woman Jaia Cruz is seen up close rolling her eyes and smiling seductively in a nine-second video, while a song blasts the raunchy lyrics, “I’m such a wh-re, but I’m not a ..."

Article Reference:

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Postal worker in Chattanooga pleads guilty to stealing mail

Postal worker in Chattanooga pleads guilty to stealing mail

From the article: "...CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — A postal worker in Hamilton County has admitted to stealing the mail.

Agents with the United States Postal Service arrested Jose Martinez back on February 18th. ..."

Article Reference:
Mail theft,Chattanooga, Tennessee,

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sentencing set for Youngstown man accused of threatening postal worker

Sentencing set for Youngstown man accused of threatening postal worker

From the article: "A postal worker told police last April that a man in a black Dodge Durango pulled up on Schenley Avenue in Youngstown and told the USPS employee, "You know they are killing mail men around here.”...threatened a postal worker with a gun.

Thirty-five-year-old Terry Luckey pleaded guilty in December to charges of tampering with evidence and improperly handling a firearm in a motor vehicle. ..."

Article Reference: