Showing posts with label Largest City in Alabama (Huntsville). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Largest City in Alabama (Huntsville). Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dale Strong calls for North Alabama (Huntsville) Postal Service distribution facility

Dale Strong calls for North Alabama Postal Service distribution facility

From the article: "The congressman has formally requested that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) invest in a new Processing and Distribution Facility (PD&F) in Huntsville. ...Huntsville, once home to its own distribution facility, saw its operations consolidated to Birmingham in 2011, a fact Strong noted in his letter to the USPS chief. ...According to Strong, the root cause of mail delivery issues stems from the Birmingham distribution facility lacking the capacity to efficiently serve North Alabama residents. “Most Postal Service issues reported to my office involve the timeliness of priority mail and package processing in the Birmingham P&DF,” Strong wrote. “Post Office clerks from various locations in my district have communicated to constituents that these delays are solely due to mail being lost or stalled in Birmingham because the facility is lacking the operational capacity to process the current volume of mail.” In making his case for North Alabama to USPS, Strong noted that since the 2010 census, the population of Huntsville and Madison County has grown by 36% and 23%, respectively."

Article Reference:
Huntsville Processing and Distribution Facility (Huntsville P&DF),Birmingham Mail Processing Facility,delay of mail, Largest City in Alabama (Huntsville),