Showing posts with label Good Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good Advice. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2024

A letter can have a huge impact | Man writes a final heartbreaking letter to granddaughter and it has left the internet sobbing

Man writes a final heartbreaking letter to granddaughter and it has left the internet sobbing

From the article: "...Grandpa advised her to get a good education and not let anyone's persuasion trick her into making wrong decisions. He told her to avoid temptations and navigate through peer pressure if her friends try to make her take drugs. Only staying true to her beliefs will help her in those situations. "I expect you will get interested in boys and start having boyfriends when you get older. Pick them well and make sure you only go out with boys that are good to you and are interested in you for yourself," the letter further read. ..."

Article Reference:
Beautiful Stories, Impact of Letters,Good Deeds,Good Advice, Love,